Design Studio
Our design process, informed by hands-on experience building and maintaining green roofs across the Southeast, delivers beautiful projects that thrive year after year. We’re proud to partner with premier designers and developers seeking to incorporate landscape on structure into their projects—as infrastructure, as amenity, or as both in an inspired combination.
Balancing the unique complexity of a landscape on structure project can be daunting. Our team is here to support you every step of the way so you feel confident knowing it will all come together seamlessly.
what we offer
As consultants, we show up for you, whether that be sitting in on meetings to answer questions or crunching numbers and finding solutions that preserve the project vision. We help balance the complexity—programmatic goals, structural capacity, stormwater requirements, planting style, transition and edge conditions, roofing warranty, budget, etc—so you don't have to.
- Review/edit plans and details
- Structural load of green roof systems
- Product and green roof system recommendations
- Product and paver system recommendations
- Irrigation system recommendations
- Review planting plans and schedules
- Roofing manufacturer and warranty recommendations
- Value Engineering Options
Performance at a glance
Elevation Project

Technical Design Support
We work alongside you to ensure the project vision is delivered down to the last detail.
what we offer
Fewer surprises and on-the-fly decisions during construction makes everyone feel at ease. We are here to make that sense of ease a reality by supporting you and your client throughout the process. Sometimes it looks like reviewing plans and details and other times is simply hopping on a call to talk through system options.
- Review/edit plans and details
- Technical detailing for system build-up, material transitions, edge conditions, roof utilities and drainage
- Roof anchors and roof safety system options
- Cost estimating
- Value Engineering Options
Performance at a glance
Under Green Roof System
Planting Design & Sourcing
Rooftop conditions and growing media present unique challenges, but not to worry. We understand both the constraints and opportunities of growing plants on structures in places from dense urban cities to pastoral, leafy parks—and everything in between.
what we offer
We don’t just design on paper, we also install and maintain hundreds of thousands of plants on structure. We know how to set a project up for success! From the plant selection to plant size and the planting approach, we’ll make it easy for you to make your landscape on structure dreams come true.
- Develop planting palettes and options
- Define planting approach
- Planting Plans and Schedules
- Plant Sourcing
Performance at a glance
Full Service Design
Landscape on structure projects, whether fully vegetated roofs or amenity spaces need and deserve the same level of design thinking and consideration as the rest of a project.
what we offer
Full service design is our speciality. We’re here to collaborate and support in ways that advance your vision from start to finish—and every step along the way.
Not sure where to start?
Let’s talk and see how our Design Studio can help. Contact us >>
- Conceptual Design and Visioning
- Design Charettes
- Schematic Design
- Design Development
- Construction Documents
- Irrigation Design
Performance at a glance
Ground Down to a Nub
Let us provide everything you need—construction, design studio, and care & maintenance services—to help you implement the perfect landscape on structure with confident ease.